Sep 01 2023

Golden Week and Mid-Autumn Festival - China


Whale Logistics would like to remind you of the upcoming 'Golden Week' holiday and 'Mid-Autumn Festival in China.  The Mid-Autumn festival takes place within close proximity of Golden Week this year hence China has decided the holidays will commence early and take place from 29th September, 2023 - 6th October, 2023 inclusive. 


What is the impact and how does it affect you?


Both Chinese agents and suppliers will not be contactable during this period. Any business maters will need to be finalised prior to the commencement of the holiday or unfortunately will have to wait for its conclusion. A potential back-log of orders and requests may impact how quickly your query will be resolved post the holiday. 


How can I minimise the impact?


Prepare in advance;

  • Ensure supplier invoices are paid in advance to ensure speedy telex releases
  • Ensure you have adequate stock levels on hand and urgent orders have been placed to avoid any potential delays post Golden Week
  • Ensure any matters/queries are finalised prior to the commencement of the holiday to avoid potential delays due to back-log


How can Whale Help?


  • Whale Logistics Australia will continue to operate and be available for any questions or concerns during this time
  • If by chance a customers order is impacted, their Customer Champion will be in touch and work toward a resolution
  • Our operations team will be monitoring orders which are due to arrive during this time and will pro-actively chase any pending items to ensure our customers are not impacted to the best of our ability


The team at Whale hope that all who celebrate have a very happy Mid-Autumn Festival and Golden Week in advance!

If you are not a Whale customer and would like some further information on the above, please reach out!