May 25 2023

Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement


Whale Logistics wish to inform you of the incoming Free Trade Agreement between Australia & the United Kingdom. The Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement (A-UK FTA) is expected to enter into force on 31 May 2023. This will remove tariffs on over 99% of Australian goods exported to the UK.


For both countries, the A-UK FTA will:


  • strengthen diversification and economic recovery
  • create new export opportunities and jobs


How to Claim preferential duty rate?


To claim preferential rates of customs duty under A UKFTA, the provisions in Division 1P of Part VIII of the Customs Act require the importer to have, at the time of import, either


  • Declaration of origin completed by the exporter, producer, or, in the case of an exporter or producer in Australia, an authorised representative of the exporter or producer,
  • the importer's knowledge that a good is originating

Paragraph 4.19.3 of the Agreement sets out that where a claim for preferential rates of customs duty is on the basis of the importer's knowledge that the good is originating, the claim is made on the basis of either:


  1. the importer having documentation that the good is originating
  2. reasonable reliance on supporting documentation provided by the exporter or producer that the good is originating


What to do next?


Whale Logistics will update our clients with more information once more details become available.




Whale is always here to help. If you require any further information or have any questions, please get in touch with our Customs Manager!


1300 850 786